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Self-guided Tours

Hirado Okunchi Festival: Experience the history and traditions of Hirado

Kameoka Shrine, dedicated to the Matsura family

Kameoka Shrine, where the Hirado Kagura dances are performed, was built within the Hirado Castle grounds and is dedicated to the Matsura clan, which ruled this area for a long time.

Kameoka Shrine (left) and the Kagura stage (right)
The turrets of Hirado Castle

The Matsura clan ruled the Hirado domain for hundreds of years without a change of clan, which was quite rare in Japan.
Using the port of Hirado as their window on the world, the Matsura’s actively traded with foreign countries from the mid-16th to the mid-17th century. Through this trade they were able to expand their power in the region.

Kensou Turret provides a commanding view over the Hirado Strait

The Kensou turret on the hill overlooks the port of Hirado. It is easy to imagine the lord of Hirado watching the foreign ships come and go from this hill.